Donnerstag, 7. November 2013

Sujimori styled wig

As some of you know Im really into gyaru fashion...its different from my own style but somehow it also fits into my own style.
I simply love it to switch between different styles....everyday the same is so boring.
And I love every style where you can have SUPER BIG HAIR! <3 <3 <3
tbh I would never try a style with none teased hair. :D
So Gyaru is in that point also a nice option for me.

Yesterday my new wig arrived and I styled the shit out of it!

Here we go.

Thats how the unstyled wig looks like. Its curly and not really shiny so it looks really naturally.

To create a Sujimori style you need A LOT of layers so I started cutting the shit out of this wig.

Left side is cutted into layers, right side is still unstyled.

This is one of the ponytails who came with the wig, I cutted it shorter and added also tons of layers. The more layers you create the easier you can create the Sujimori style.

Then my camera battery died and I had to continue with my webcam. XD

Than I started teasing the crap out of this wig. Teasing teasing teasing and more teasing!!
Dont tease just in one direction otherwise you wont create a sujimori style..when you tease in different directions a curly wig will create the stripes nearly by his own.

Then came the difficult part. Making the stripes. I used a good Hairspray and Osis Fibre Hair Gel to make sure the stripes will stay together. If you create a sujimori style with your real hair, then you just need hairspray.

I started with the lower hair section and worked my way up.

Then I made the upper hair and FINISHED! ! !
And that is all the hair I cutted off the wig. :D my cats like it to sleep in that lol

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