Omg Im really not into regulary posting....happy me that I dont run a fashion blog...I would be so fucked. XD
I hope all of you had a nice christmas? My boyfriend was at my place and we had such a nice time. <3
Dress: Sugargloss
Tights: Primark
Bag: Ma*rs
Headbow: cant remember bought somewhere in Shinjuku
Then after one year Ive got finally some color into my hair! It was so boring with only black hair but I wanted my hair to become healthy so I didnt bleached for one year (and a few weeks longer ^.^) but now I couldnt resist and dyed some party pink! I never had pink hair before but I LOVE it!!
It looks so cute!
I bleached it about 3 times with Préférence extreme Platinum
I think its one of the best bleaches I ever used. Your hair isnt very yellow after bleaching it contains a good smelling oil for your hair (you mix it with the hairdye). My scalp is really sensitive and every fucking time when I bleach my hair, my scalp is etched!!! This hurts like hell!!! When I use this bleach this didnt happen but its also a strong I really like it.
Then I used from Stargazer (And I dont care if its not vegan so go fuck yourself before you tell me that stargazer dye isnt vegan anymore. I KNOW.) the shocking Pink dye and thats how it turned out!
Im really happy with the result.